Самые влиятельные люди делового мира 2015

Новый рейтинг самых влиятельных людей делового мира Most Influential, который ежегодно публикует агентство Bloomberg, в этом году вышел без российских фамилий. При этом таблицу покинули также основатель Alibaba Group Джек Ма и украинский миллиардер Ринат Ахметов. Всего 14 человек сумели сохранить свои позиции в 50-фамильном списке. Среди них, например, глава Tesla Илон Маск, генеральный директор Apple Тим Кук, финансисты Уоррен Баффет и Карл Айкан, банкир Марио Драги и руководитель Федеральной резервной системы США Джанет Йеллен.
Рейтинги, Самые влиятельные люди делового мира 2014,
1. Джанет Йеллен (Janet Yellen)
Chair, U.S. Federal Reserve
“There is no conceivable scenario in which it’s going to be easy,” Alan Greenspan says of Yellen’s task in guiding the Fed through liftoff.
2. Си Цзинпин (Xi Jinping)
President of China
After a summer of market turmoil, the financial world is waiting on Xi and his Communist Party colleagues to show they still have the right touch to run the second-biggest economy.
3. Тим Кук (Tim Cook)
CEO, Apple
Since Cook took over from the famous founder in 2011, the company’s market cap has doubled, profit has soared, cash has piled up, and Apple’s influence has continued to accrue.
4. Ларри Финк (Larry Fink)
Co-founder, BlackRock
His letter to CEOs in April on “the short-termist phenomenon” pushed Fink’s views on activist investing to the fore, and his $4.7 trillion under management demands that people pay heed.
5. Уоррен Баффетт (Warren Buffett)
CEO, Berkshire Hathaway
He’s one of the world’s richest people and runs one of its most valuable companies without seeming to break a sweat. Buffett at 85 remains the investor everyone wants to emulate.
6. Барак Обама (Barack Obama)
President of the United States
Even as a lame duck, he has cut a deal with Iran that may open that nation to global business for the first time in a generation, and he’s pushing ahead on his climate change agenda.
7. Карл Икан (Carl Icahn)
Chairman, Icahn Enterprises
All it takes is a tweet from Icahn that he has sold his Netflix stake (after he made at least $1.6 billion in the stock) to put the shares into a 2.7 percent intraday dive.
8. Ллойд Бланкфейн (Lloyd Blankfein)
CEO, Goldman Sachs
With his firm extending its lead over key rivals, Blankfein is at the top of his game. Even with his recent revelation that he’s being treated for lymphoma, the CEO says he’ll continue to run the investment bank.
9. Ангела Меркель (Angela Merkel)
German Chancellor
Europe is a union with a leadership vacuum that’s being filled by Merkel, the powerful steward of the continent’s largest economy. This was clear during the Greek debt crisis and, more recently, as she set the tenor of the debate about immigrants and refugees.
10. Рид Хоффман (Reid Hoffman)
Co-founder, LinkedIn
He’s helped build some of the tech world’s most game-changing companies, including PayPal, LinkedIn, and Facebook, where he was an angel investor.
11. Джейми Даймон (Jamie Dimon)
CEO, JPMorgan Chase
Analyst Mike Mayo at CLSA compares Dimon to LeBron James for his abilities on both offense (record profits in four of the past five years) and defense (guiding the bank through $36 billion in legal and regulatory payouts).
12. Эбигейл Джонсон (Abigail Johnson)
CEO, Fidelity Investments
She took over the family business a year ago. She also owns 24.5 percent of it, which is why she’s worth some $7.5 billion, according to the Bloomberg Billionaires index.
13. Нарендра Моди (Narendra Modi)
Prime Minister of India
He won election in May 2014 by the widest margin in 30 years, giving him a shot at making some investment-friendly reforms that have faced stubborn resistance in the world’s largest democracy. India might grow faster than China this year.
14. Марио Драги (Mario Draghi)
President, European Central Bank
As the Fed withdraws monetary support, investors in Europe are counting on Draghi and the ECB to step up with the stimulus Europe needs to keep a weak recovery going.
15. Джеффри Безос (Jeff Bezos)
Founder, Amazon.com
With Amazon shares outperforming other large U.S. tech companies this year, Bezos has seen his fortune surge to some $45 billion (as of Sept. 29), topping the Google and Facebook founders.
16. Ана Ботин (Ana Botín)
Chairman, Banco Santander
She’s the fourth-generation Botín to run Santander. The Madrid-based lender today has a greater market capitalization than Deutsche Bank and Société Générale combined.
17. Хорхе Пауло Леманн (Jorge Paulo Lemann)
Co-founder, 3G Capital
While avoiding the limelight, Brazil’s richest man has done some of the biggest deals ever in global food and beverage. His brands, ranging from Stella Artois to Velveeta, are well known even if his name is not.
18. Рэй Далио (Ray Dalio)
Founder, Bridgewater Associates
His hedge fund firm is the world’s biggest, with $169 billion under management, and all that money lends weight to his views, including the opinion that central banks shouldn’t be tightening anytime soon.
19. Элизабет Уоррен (Elizabeth Warren)
U.S. Senator
She has a bully pulpit and bulldog tactics, credentials as a Harvard Law professor and is creator of the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. Taken together, it makes her the go-to senator on banking regulation.
20. Томас Пикетти (Thomas Piketty)
Professor, Paris School of Economics
He emerged in 2014 as the thought leader on income inequality, and this year entered the debate over Greek debt when he said in an interview with Die Zeit: “Germany is the country that has never repaid its debts.”
21. Джеффри Гундлах (Jeffrey Gundlach)
Founder, DoubleLine Capital
With ex-Pimco supremo Bill Gross handling just $1.5 billion at Janus, Gundlach, whose firm manages $76 billion, gets to wear the bond king crown now.
22. Вентилятор Бао (Fan Bao)
Founder, China Renaissance
The fast-talking Bao has the guanxi to arrange practically anything in China’s vibrant tech scene, such as the $6 billion merger of taxi app giants Didi Dache and Kuaidi Dache, China’s biggest Internet M&A deal of 2015.
23. Тидьяне Тиам (Tidjane Thiam)
CEO, Credit Suisse Group
Thiam’s success as CEO of Prudential in the U.K. earned him the top job at Zurich-based Credit Suisse, and he arrived promising to be “ruthlessly selective” as he prioritizes wealth management over investment banking.
24. Рут Поре (Ruth Porat)
CFO, Google
Porat decamped for Silicon Valley after more than 25 years on Wall Street, where she had become one of the most powerful women in the financial industry. Investors in Google quickly took notice of her arrival.
25. Элон Маск (Elon Musk)
Founder, Tesla Motors
With his electric cars and rockets, Musk might as well wear a superhero costume. And when he appeared on the Late Show With Stephen Colbert in September, the host joked that he has supervillain tendencies. Musk had just said that Mars might be made more habitable by firing off thermonuclear weapons over the planet’s poles.
26. Пол Сингер (Paul Singer)
Founder, Elliott Management
Best known for poking Argentina in the eye over defaulted debt, Singer stirred controversy in another corner of the globe this year. He took on the Korean chaebol that controls Samsung, attempting (and failing) to block a merger of two of its affiliates.
27. Марк Андриссен (Marc Andreessen)
Co-founder, Andreessen Horowitz
He’s a font of big ideas about what technology can do–such as disrupt the banks. “Financial transactions are just numbers; it’s just information. You shouldn’t need 100,000 people and prime Manhattan real estate,” he once told Bloomberg Markets.
28. Рено Лапланша (Renaud Laplanche)
Founder, LendingClub
Growth in loan issuance is steep at Laplanche’s peer-to-peer company. LendingClub—with its all-star board including John Mack, Larry Summers, and Mary Meeker—facilitated more loans in the second quarter of 2015 than in all of 2013.
29. Акио Тойода (Akio Toyoda)
President, Toyota Motor
Since taking over in 2009, the grandson of Toyota Motor’s founder has steered the company through a recall crisis and back to winning over consumers. Toyota’s $200 billion market cap makes it the world’s most valuable automaker.
30. Пол Кругман (Paul Krugman)
Professor, City University of New York Graduate Center
He hoists the liberal economist flag on a lot of hot topics, as headlines from his blog make clear: “The China Debt Zombie,” “Jeb the Unready,” “Rate Hike Fever,” “Zombies Against Medicare,” “Eternal Greece.”
31. Франциск I (Pope Francis)
Roman Catholic Church
His recent visit to the U.S. showed how he pushes issues ranging from poverty to immigration to the forefront. On climate, the moral argument he made in his encyclical may help reset a debate that’s been stuck in a political stalemate.
32. Эллен Куллман (Ellen Kullman)
CEO, DuPont
A native of Wilmington, Delaware–DuPont’s hometown–Kullman took out ads that urged local shareholders who own a lot of the company’s stock to reject the “value-destructive agenda” that investor Nelson Peltz put forward.
33. Ван Цишань (Wang Qishan)
Secretary, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection
Xi’s enforcer and troubleshooter, with a nickname that translates as “Captain of the Fire Brigade,” Wang has overseen the government’s corruption crackdown. Now he’s a key behind-the-scenes player in the effort to stabilize the economy and stock market.
34. Джонатан Грей (Jonathan Gray)
Global Head of Real Estate, Blackstone Group
He runs the formidable real estate portfolio that plays an ever-greater role at the biggest private equity shop. It’s a position that could lead to the firm’s top job for Gray someday.
35. Кеннет Гриффин (Kenneth Griffin)
Founder, Citadel
The Chicago firm manages more money than ever—$26 billion—and now has former U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke on the payroll as an adviser.
36. Джон Штумпф (John Stumpf)
CEO, Wells Fargo
Stumpf is sitting pretty atop the nation’s largest mortgage lender. His company is the most valuable U.S. bank ever, having surpassed the peak in market cap that Citigroup attained back in 2001.
37. Ван Цзяньлинь (Wang Jianlin)
Founder, Dalian Wanda Group
Already mainland China’s richest man, with a $33 billion fortune, the property and movie mogul has even grander visions: “I give myself six more years to make Wanda a world-class company in the league of Microsoft and Wal-Mart.”
38. Кристин Лагард (Christine Lagarde)
Managing Director, International Monetary Fund
The size of Greek government obligations persuaded Lagarde to try to talk sense into Europe’s leaders. Her ultimatum: We won’t throw money at the Greeks unless you’re prepared to offer debt relief.
39. Цзян Цзяньцин (Jiang Jianqing)
Chairman, Industrial & Commercial
Bank of China
The total assets of his bank are a stunning $3.6 trillion, more than any other lender in the world, and still he’ll be paid less than $100,000 this year.
40. Джимми Лай (Jimmy Lai)
Founder, Next Media
The pro-democracy tycoon is the founder of Next Media, the loudest voice of anti-Beijing protest in Hong Kong. Lai was on the front line during last year’s street protests, braving tear gas and pepper spray.
41. Алико Данготе (Aliko Dangote)
Founder, Dangote Group
Africa’s most successful businessman built his fortune in sugar, textiles, and cement in his native Nigeria, where today he’s a political as well as a financial power broker. He’s expanding in other countries and may list his cement company in London.
42. Майкл Ким (Michael Kim)
Founder, MBK Partners
Big-name private equity firms have lately turned their gaze to South Korea, but they’ll struggle to overcome Kim’s head start. He has a strong track record and unmatched connections on his home turf.
43. Джон Тэйлор (John Taylor)
Professor, Stanford University
Expect to hear his name as a possible successor to Janet Yellen at the Fed if a Republican wins the White House in 2016. Taylor already comes up in central bank deliberations as the namesake of a well-known monetary policy rule.
44. Блайт Мастерс (Blythe Masters)
CEO, Digital Asset Holdings
When Masters says the blockchain has the potential to transform financial transactions, people listen. Her history as a former managing director and derivatives innovator at JPMorgan guarantees that.
45. Джордж Осборн (George Osborne)
U.K. Chancellor of the Exchequer
Once ridiculed as a smug, noble-born pol, he’s talked about today as a possible successor to David Cameron as Conservative Party leader and as a future prime minister candidate, thanks to his handling of the U.K. economy.
46. Ричард Талер (Richard Thaler)
Professor, University of Chicago
In his new book, Misbehaving, a folksy explanation of his brand of behavioral economics, the economist says he’s fascinated by “the myriad ways in which people depart from the fictional creatures that populate economic models.”
47. Элизабет Холмс (Elizabeth Holmes)
Founder, Theranos
Her company’s inexpensive finger-prick blood-testing technology is a serious challenge to traditional providers of medical lab services, which is why this low-visibility startup is valued at some $10 billion.
48. Мо Ибрагим (Mo Ibrahim)
Chairman, Mo Ibrahim Foundation
The Ibrahim Index of African Governance is an unequaled tool for assessing the investing environment on the second-most-populous continent. Those who use the index can gain a better grasp of the distinct qualities of the 52 nations it evaluates, Ibrahim says.
49. Джейн Гладстон (Jane Gladstone)
Senior Managing Director, Evercore Partners
In the world of exchanges and, increasingly, fintech, you want a seat at the table—specifically the table at Gladstone’s dinner in Boca Raton, Florida, during the annual Futures Industry Association confab.
50. Ручир Шарма (Ruchir Sharma)
Head of Emerging Markets and Global Macro, Morgan Stanley Investment Management
By the age of 18, Sharma was off and running on a career as a chronicler of emerging markets, penning a regular investing column for India’s largest business newspaper. Recently, he’s warned that China could push the world economy into its next recession.
Источник: http://www.bloomberg.com/features/2015-markets-most-influential