Нэт Тернер

Сооснователь компании Flatiron Health
«Bloomberg Billionaires 2014», «Богатейшие люди планеты — 2014», «Богатейшие люди планеты — 2013»
Forbes: Самые яркие звезды бизнеса моложе 30 лет
Редакция американского Forbes ежегодно проводит масштабное исследование самых перспективных предпринимательских кадров в различных отраслях, от финансов и технологий до музыки, спорта и науки. В каждой из 20 категорий журналисты при помощи экспертов и участников рынка определяют по 30 предпринимателей моложе 30 лет, которые реализуют прорывные для своей индустрии проекты. Цель рейтинга — определить самых прогрессивных и креативных представителей нового поколения бизнесменов. В нашей галерее представлены победители всех 20 отраслевых категорий.
источник: http://from-ua.com/obzor-
Google Ventures становится ведущим инвесторов в $130 миллионом раунде B для Flatiron Health
Flatiron Health, стартап, который организовывает данные по онкологии в реальном времени, помогая докторам принимать решения о лечении, получил $130 миллионов от Google Ventures, First Round Capital, Laboratory Corporation of America и частного инвестора. Часть это суммы пойдет на покупку другого медицинского стартапа Altos Solutions.
Flatiron Health был основан Заком Вайнбергом и Нетом Тёрнером в 2010 году и сейчас работает в бета-версии, собирая данные о ходе лечения онкологических заболеваний в онкоцентрах по всему миру.
источник: http://expertorama.com/sumup_
Самые яркие звезды бизнеса моложе 30 лет: рейтинг Forbes. Часть 1
Редакция американского Forbes ежегодно проводит масштабное исследование самых перспективных предпринимательских кадров в различных отраслях, от финансов и технологий до музыки, спорта и науки. В каждой из 20 категорий журналисты при помощи экспертов и участников рынка определяют по 30 предпринимателей моложе 30 лет, которые реализуют прорывные для своей индустрии проекты. Цель рейтинга — определить самых прогрессивных и креативных представителей нового поколения бизнесменов. В нашей галерее представлены победители всех 20 отраслевых категорий.
источник: http://www.forexmoney.ru/82/
After Making Millions, Two 20-Somethings Have Founded A Startup To Help Fight Cancer
Nat Turner and Zach Weinberg have both watched family members suffer from cancer. So when they left Google in June, they started brainstorming ways to help find a cure. Turner and Weinberg aren’t doctors, but they’re engineers with deep pockets. When they were 24, they sold their startup, Invite Media, to Google for $81 million.
источник: http://www.businessinsider.
Flatiron Health’s bold proposition to fight cancer with big data
There are more than 13 million people living with cancer in the United States, according to the National Cancer Institute, but researchers and doctors hoping to develop better treatments can only learn from a tiny percentage of them, according to Nat Turner.
Along with Zach Weinberg, Turner is a co-founder of Flatiron Health, a two-year-old healthcare technology company based in New York and best known for recently raising $130 million in an investment round led by Google Ventures GOOG -0.23% . Turner believes that his company’s “cloud-based data platform” for oncology can help gather data on a disease that affects 1 in 2 men and 1 in 3 women. Despite more than a million cancer diagnoses in the U.S. each year, the field lacks sufficient data to improve treatment of it, he said.
источник: http://fortune.com/2014/06/12/
Flatiron Health Raises $8M From Google Ventures, First Round To Build An Intelligent Data Platform For Oncology
Flatiron Health is the brainchild of Invite Media founders Nat Turner and Zach Weinberg. The duo sold their bidding exchange software and advertising technology company to Google in 2010 for a reported $80 million. After the acquisition, Turner and Weinberg spent time at Google, but were also making angel investments on the side in the healthcare industry and beyond.
Turner says he started seeing the possibilities of disrupting the healthcare space with data-mining technology and cloud-based software, but didn’t have a focus until he and his co-founder began noticing a particular problem in the oncology industry.
источник: http://techcrunch.com/2013/01/
Nat Turner — Flatiron Health (Alma Mater — UPenn)
Before co-founding Flatiron, Nat was Co-Founder and CEO of Invite Media, an advertising technology company based in NYC. Invite Media was acquired by Google in 2010. Prior to Invite Media, Nat started numerous internet companies and also worked at Say Media and First Round Capital. An active angel investor, Nat has invested in over 30 technology startups throughout the country, including Bell Biosystems, Breakthrough.com, Care at Hand, DocPhin, Genomera, Meddik, and Predilytics. Nat graduated from The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.
источник: http://dormroomfund.com/
Foundation Medicine and Flatiron Health Collaborate to Develop First-in-Class Data Platform to Accelerate Precision Medicine for Cancer
“Flatiron Health and Foundation Medicine share a common belief that integrated clinical and molecular information can drive a revolution in how patients battling cancer can be treated,” said Nat Turner, co-founder and chief executive officer, Flatiron Health. “Together, Foundation Medicine and Flatiron Health will bring our collective expertise in oncology, informatics and technology to develop a first-in-class platform that helps advance cancer care.”
Foundation Medicine and Flatiron Health will work together to co-develop products based on a comprehensive, HIPAA-compliant information platform that seamlessly analyzes and integrates clinical treatment and outcome data with matched comprehensive genomic profiling data for patients who have undergone testing with FoundationOne or FoundationOne Heme. Life science companies will be able to utilize this cloud-based platform to enable better selection of molecular candidates, more efficient clinical trial design and faster patient recruitment into clinical trials.
источник: http://www.marketwatch.com/
Flatiron Health and Vector Oncology to Offer Patient-Reported Outcomes at the Point of Care
“We are excited to partner with Vector Oncology, as we share a similar goal of leveraging technology to improve the quality of cancer care for patients,” said Nat Turner, co-founder and chief executive officer, Flatiron Health. “This alliance will enable us to further support oncology providers with additional insights at the point of care.”
In addition, Flatiron Health and Vector Oncology will collaborate on various studies involving health outcomes and economic endpoints in support of clinical research efforts and real-world evidence generation.
“The integration of Flatiron’s OncoEMR with our Patient Care Monitor will create an unmatched source of real world clinical and patient reported outcomes intelligence to improve the quality of cancer care and demonstrate the effectiveness and value of treatments,” said Mike Choukas, chief executive officer, Vector Oncology.
источник: http://www.vectoroncology.com/