Джеймс Даттон

Бывший губернатор Гибралтара, генерал-лейтенант Королевской морской пехоты Великобритании в отставке. В начале своей карьеры занимал множество разных постов, пока не получил под командование 40-й батальон коммандо. В звании бригадира занимал два высоких поста: директора политики НАТО в Министерстве обороны Великобритании и британского представителя в Пентагоне
«Крупнейшие экономики мира 2014»
Sold a duff’ Governor of Gibraltar quits after UK fails to stand up to Spain aggression
Lieutenant General Sir James Dutton took the unprecedented step to stand down from his role as Her Majesty’s Governor and Commander in Chief of the British overseas territory less than two years after leaving a lucrative career to take up the position.
His tenure has seen the ramping up of Spanish aggression against Gibraltar, with illegal border controls causing havoc on the tiny territory, and a increase in illegal maritime incursions – as many as 245 over a two-month in 2014.
источник: http://www.express.co.uk/news/
Navy flagship to patrol Gib waters before landing new Governor
The Royal Navy flagship HMS Bulwark will conduct a sovereignty patrol in British Gibraltar territorial waters as it sails into port this morning carrying the Rock’s new Governor-designate, General Sir James Dutton.
The ship will sail slowly through British waters and into HM Naval Base with uniformed crew standing to attention on deck.
Sir James, who will take the Oath of Allegiance this morning in the Gibraltar Parliament, joined HMS Bulwark in Malta earlier this week.
He arrives in Gibraltar at a time of great tension with Spain over border controls and persistent Spanish incursions into British waters around the Rock.
источник: http://www.chronicle.gi/
Dutton is new Gibraltar Governor
Lieutenant-General Sir James Benjamin Dutton has been appointed Governor of Gibraltar in succession to Vice-Admiral Sir Adrian Johns.
The news announced by The Convent yesterday confirms our story of July 6.
Sir James will take up his appointment during December 2013.
Sir James completed a full career of 37 years in the Royal Marines. His last ten years were dominated by Iraq and Afghanistan, either serving in those countries or dealing with the policy and operational issues from London and Washington DC. On retirement in 2010 he joined the Bechtel Corporation and has spent the last two and a half years as the Programme Director in Gabon in West Africa, latterly as the Director-General of the infrastructure development agency working directly for the Presidency.
источник: http://www.chronicle.gi/